Singled out by its clients for its prominent expertise, BeLaw provides advice on all legal, financial, tax and commercial aspects relating to local and international productions.
Combining a full service legal offer with industry expertise, Belaw is singled out by its clients for its comprehensive and unrivalled advice. BeLaw provides assistance in project development (e.g. option literary agreements, writers agreements, development agreements), financing (e.g. financial agreements, access to EU, national and regional funds, sponsorship, product placement, completion guarantee, collection agremeents), production (all range of production agreements, clearences, insurances, guilds and unions, visas, talents and so forth), distribution and exploitation (e.g. licences, distribution, sales agency).
BeLaw closely follows all the latest legal and regulatory developments in the audiovisual sector and provides expert advice on the legislative and industry challenges for the television industry and supports its clients in the relations with trade associations and institutions at national, European and international level.